What Not To Say To Pregnant Women

“How much weight have you gained?” “It’s about time! We’ve been wondering when you’d have another kid!” “Whoa….. you’re going to have wine? While pregnant?” “Are you old enough to have a child?” “You wouldn’t cut off your own eyelid, so why would you circumcise your...

Books To Read In Your Third Trimester

Third Trimester!!! The end is in sight…..though your feet mostly likely are not. Now that you are nearing the finish line, it’s time to prop up those swollen legs, settle into your hemorrhoid pillow, and read up on the last few things you need to know to be ready for...

Books To Read In Your Second Trimester

Ah the fabled second trimester. You finally get to tell everyone you’re pregnant, you’re finally showing, and for some people, you are feeling better! I honestly felt the same the entire time, so I never really got that last one. But that’s neither here nor there. As...

Books To Read In Your First Trimester

Especially for a first time Mom, the first trimester can be a difficult time. You’re nervous, you’re exhausted, in some cases you’re violently ill, and in most cases, you haven’t told anyone. I found that to be the hardest part. I had SO many questions I wanted to ask...